March 11, 2022

Winter Safety

Winter weather is no joke and its’ important to come up with a plan so you, your family, and home remain safe this season.

  1. Sign up for local alerts and warnings. Stay up to date with winter weather in your area by signing up for emergency notification systems.
  2. Prepare Your Home. At home, winterize by ensuring you have sufficient insulation in your walls and attic, caulk any open cracks and replace weather stripping around your doors, install storm windows, maintain heating equipment, insulate water pipes, and clean out your rain gutters. It’s also smart to keep a fire extinguisher on hand. Consider home inspections this season to make sure everything is in tip top shape.
  3. Back Up Supplies- Have important supplies ready to go including extra batteries, non-perishable foods, consider an emergency kit as well. Also, consider the needs for anyone in your home, if they will need any supplies make sure to stock up!
  4. Trim Those Trees- Winter storms can bring down branches and shrubs so make sure to trim them back to avoid any costly damage to your home.